Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Artist Biography 13: Debs Crowe

Debs Crowe,
Painter & Art Educator:
I live in Timaru, a small coastal town in the middle of the South Island of New Zealand. I have always loved art and for the past six years have had my very own art studio.
I have two main passions when it comes to my work: Animals and Abstract art.
One extreme to the other. I do a lot of commissioned work of animals for people wanting to preserve the memory of their beloved pets. With my abstract work, I love the controversy involved. People are intrigued with what they see with the texture and bold colours I use. Everyone has the right to decide their opinions and I enjoy immensely the conversations that come about through my abstract pieces.
I hope you enjoy the artworks I have created for this (my first-ever off shore) exhibition.”
(Debs Crowe, 2013.)

All artwork on this page (c)copyright Debs Crowe, 2013.

Debs with Fellow Artist, Educator, Lover of the Colour Purple:
'Whakapapa' Curator Brent Harpur. Timaru (NZ) Xmas 2012.

1 comment:

  1. So cool to have your own art studio. Love your abstracts Deb!

    from Julia
    Art student in Whangarei
